In the developed countries there is a common reference to “failed States” ordinarily referring to African nations. It
is also true that now and again that developed countries refer to themselves as “Civilized Nations”. This means the
developing world is “uncivilized!” These conditions must be as a result of the years of leadership in different countries in Africa. But is this true? The success of a nation and indeed of an organization depends on its leadership. If African countries are Failed States or “uncivilized” this must be a result of failed leadership in Africa. If true why and if not why are they pronounces as so.
Notable African leaders that have had dreams of the future of Africa include the iconic Nelson Mandela, Kwame
Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Abdul Nasser Gamel and Muama Gaddafi among others. While they have foot prints of ideas, there are no foot prints of transformation. Africa continues to be a place where poverty is rampant, peace is
elusive as conflict rages on, Governance in Africa continues to be a challenge with rampant corruption. After so many years of independence, Africa remains backward Failed states and Uncivilized. Some schools of thought attribute this to neo-colonialism, the potency of capitalism and how it had blocked Africa’s development initiatives. Others blame it on developed world manipulation of African leaders and Africa’s economic policies. Others blame it on leaders themselves. Has African leadership failed?
Conference Theme
The MUBS Leadership Centre announces the 7th Annual International Leadership Conference under the theme
“Has African leadership failed?” The conference will be held November 29-1st December, 2017. We invite policy papers and case studies under the following sub-themes
Conference sub-themes
a. Pan Africanism, is it dead?
b. It is time for the youth to take charge
c. Propelling women into leadership
d. Governance and economic growth
e. Peace and conflict
The conference will provide opportunity to political leaders, corporate leaders, practitioners, researchers and other
stake holders in the area of leadership and governance to discuss topical issues of leadership and development. The
conference will focus on how leadership can be used to stimulate development in the African context.
The Conference Vision
The conference will provide opportunity to clear understanding of the relationship between leadership and economic development and why African countries lag behind.
Conference Mission
To provide leadership and governance solutions to Africa’s development challenges.
Conference goals
1. To explore why Pan Africanism has failed
2. To learn from previous leadership experiences about how development can be used to create growth
3. Establish whether youth are ready for leadership and how they can be brought on board
4. Asses the level of women inclusion in leadership and devise means of enhancing it.
5. Establish whether governance has a relationship with economic development
6. Establish why there is conflict in Africa and how to overcome it.
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